Monday, April 8, 2013

Bow tie pen holder for your fridge!

I had just made a note pad (will post soon) for our fridge, went to look for a pen to write down some stuff and thought "OMG I can make something so I don't have to go on a long journey to find a pen!" LOL

So here is my tutorial on how to make a felt bow that holds pens, and its magnetic!

Next hot glue the ends together so you have a ring.
*don't glue bottom to bottom you'll get a tear drop shape instead*
I hope this tutorial is as much fun to make for you as it was for me. I wish I would've thought of this sooner so I didn't have waist time looking for a pen! LOL
If you make one you should totally send me a picture!
Thanks for reading! Happy crafting!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Straighten your hair with out heat?

Most of you have a Pintrest I'm sure. I don't know about you but I'm on it probably way too much! You may have seen a few pins with a girl in a blue shirt and super long hair and a caption saying:

  "To straighten hair without heat, just mix a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of BROWN sugar, pour it into a spray bottle, then spray into damp hair and let air dry."
Well I tried this! IT DID NOT WORK!
All it did was make my hair super sticky and stiff. Imagine dry honey on straw. That's how my hair felt.
The only thing I can say that went well (kind of?) was that my hair was so knotted that the amount of hair that was ripped out of head thinned it out my hair.  LOL
Here is my before and after picture of the "straightening spray"
Thanks for reading! If you have seen an pins on Pintrest you'd like me to test let me know!